Chicken Ding

My regular readers may have noticed that there hasn’t been a post since early January 2011. While sometimes I just don’t put together any good meals or write up a blog, this time I have a better reason for my absence. The Vegetarian and I took a week long cruise in the Caribbean, making stops in St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Croix, Grenada and Antigua. It was a glorious vacation, which was both a nice getaway and a celebration of the Vegetarian’s birthday.

While on the cruise, we had delicious meals, though I did not document any via pictures to share with you. However, I did attend several events on board hosted by the Cruise Director, and he provided some good laughs and one recipe that I will share with you today. I suppose I have already given it away, and made it obvious that it is a joke, but I’m going to go on with it nonetheless.

Recipe: Chicken Ding



Place chicken on a plate and then into your microwave. When it’s ready it will go DING (ok maybe it was a really bad joke, but funny at the time!)

I hope to be sharing meals with you very soon, including a long awaited guest post from the Vegetarian on the making of two different types of cookies.

About Evan

I like to eat. I like to cook. I like to eat what I cook. Now, I will share with you what I like to cook. My wife and I may be a vegetarian and a carnivore, but it doesn’t mean we can’t cook a nice meal with both, without compromising taste. I will share my creative meals of the Carnivore and the Vegetarian.
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